Friday, 22 November 2013

The Family (Continuity Task)

I have finally finished editing my Continuity Task video. I will upload my analyis and anything else I have involved with the project soon. Enjoy.

1 comment:

  1. 0:00 - I rather like your opening; it works quite well as a "reality TV" type thing
    0:18 - there would have been scope here for Alex's character to do an action match when opening the door
    0:34 - not keen on the pan here. You might have been better advised to go for over-the-shoulder shots between Alex and the father, having established the geography of the characters. This would have varied the camera positioning and would have allowed you to demonstrate a further understanding of the 180 rule (although you do work within this).
    0:40 - I'm not keen on the zooms here, although I appreciate that you're trying to achieve a documentary quality. I would aim to use more formalised static camer set-ups. The CU itself and the camera positioning are good at the end of the first zoom

    A general note; make sure you work on "smoothing out" the audio; there are a few clicks where you edit between shots which you could remove in the edit

    0:50 - The shot/ counter shot work well
    0:52 - The shot here is a little wobbly

    You manage to adhere to the 180 degree rule, and there is evidence of a kind of shot/ reverse shot, although it's less pronounced than I might have hoped. I'm not sure where the action match is; you'll need to point this out to me in the evaluation.
