Sunday, 24 November 2013

Evaluation of Continuity Project

You are advised to use a range of approaches. For example, with the audience questions, you could show people from your target audience your work and interview them. For the technologies process you could compare the pieces you have done, discussing how you used and improved on various effects and so on.

You could do all of this as part of a single documentary, or use a range of approaches. Although you can use written blog posts to support your answers, you should aim to use the full multi-media functionality of your blog; otherwise, you will be unlikely to get a +L3 mark.

To film my project, I had to come up with a script that I was able to create while on holiday. I only had certain people who could be involved due to not being at home or school. I came up with an idea of a typical family conversation around the table. This was particularly achievable with being on holiday with my family. I really enjoyed working with them and it was fun being in charge!

I watched a few reality TV shows such as Modern Family, Friday Night Dinner and that is where I got my inspiration from. I really found this genre appealing.

Throughout the filming process, a few obstacles did appear and I had to attempt to overcome these. Firstly, it was a rather small space to film in and trying to perfect the 180 degree line was difficult. But I decided to film in front of the table with a full view of everyone. As Alex walks into the house, I now would have liked to add an action match there if I'd had access to the filming place again. I also don't really like the zooms and would have gone back and changed it. This will be something I will try and do in my next project.

I would also have liked to improve on shot/reverse shot because I think it would have made it a lot more effective. I also picked up on the lack of smoothness on the audio and this was due to a wobbly tri-pod when moving it. I will take Sir's advice in removing the few clicks between shots.

In my next project, I will try to improve on these areas I have pin pointed.

For my video, I pictured the audience being the whole family. A programme that caters for all ages.
I think by having a family cast and a script relating to a teenagers relationship with his parent, addresses this particular audience.


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