Film4 is a digital television channel available in the United Kingdom and Ireland, owned and operated by Channel Four Television Corporation, that screens films. It offers films in standard definition free of charge.
Film Four has had an impact on British Film Culture since 1982.
I have chosen this as it is relevant to my particular choice of genre as alot of films (especially low budget) that focus on life in Britain and regional identity with a cult edge. And this I what I planned for my video. Not the typical Hollywood glamorous shine, that is on films distributed by Universal or 20th century fox etc. Film4 looks for material with a distinctive voice that aims to push the boundaries within a given film genre which i thought my film did.
It also tends to use contemporary stories, rather than period pieces and will
usually be made with British led talent or with British content which I also thought my film met the criteria of.
It also links to the films that I have researched into as they are low budget british indie films. And have the same kind of style and story lines as my own film.
You should explain why this is relevant in relation to your choice of genre and how it links to films you have looked at as part of your research.