For my evaluation, I will be ansering 7 questions.
The questions are the following:
1. How does your media product:
a. use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?
b. represent particurlar social groups?
2. What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?
3. Who would be the audience for your media product?
4. How did you attract/ address your audience?
5. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?
6. Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?
For my first question I am going to voice record me answering the question in an audio commentary and play it over a video that I will make to demonstrate what I mean and how I represented a particular social group.
For my second question I am going to perform an interview where I will be asked the question by an interview and use my camera to shoot it in different camera shots. Here I will discuss what distributor I researched and the reasons as to why I chose it for my own film.
For question three, I am going to make a video about my target audience. I will film a documentary style video about the target audeince. It will include me talking about my choice and how I tried to aim it as closely as possible towards that certain age range. I will perform short interviews with a few of my cast aswell, as I would like their opinion on the target audience as they are all teenagers and wht they thought of the way i approached the idea. Use of wardrobe, storyline etc. I will ask them questions such as if they think it is an accurate representation of teenagers and if they feel I have succeeded in doing this.
For the fourth question I need to answer, I will combine this with my third question in the documentary style video. Explaining everything about my choice of audience.
For the fifth question , I am going to make a video about the different types of technology I have used throughout the project. I will include the cameras I have used. I will also talk about the different things I have experimented with during the project. Like the different aspects of editing I used and the particular editing software I used, the blog I have maintained throughout etc.
And for my last question, I am going to use screenshots and clips of both my preliminary task and my final piece task and compare them. I will talk about the area I have improved on and the progress I made during the whole process.